Singapore Convention Week Events
26 August – 30 August 2024
East Meets West: A Legal and Mediation Dialogue Between Portuguese-speaking Countries and Singapore
by The Institute for Certification and Training of Lusophone Mediators
29 August 2024, Thursday
17:30 - 21:30

Join us at 'East Meets West: A Legal and Mediation Dialogue Between Portuguese-speaking Countries and Singapore' during Singapore Week 2024. This enriching event is structured around three engaging panel discussions. The first panel explores the legal frameworks of mediation in Lusophone countries and Singapore. The second panel examines how mediation is institutionalized within court systems and other government-managed frameworks. The third panel shares practical mediation experiences and innovative approaches from seasoned practitioners in Singapore, Brazil, and Portugal. This event aligns with the Singapore Convention’s goal of facilitating cooperative dispute resolution on a global scale.

*This event is a virtual event. Simultaneous translation will be provided.


  • Opening Session:
    • Welcome Address: Introduction by ICFML
    • Event Overview: Objectives and expections for the sessions.
      • Ana Maria Maia Gonçalves, ICFML Founder
    • Welcome Messages
      • Eugênia Barthelmess, Ambassador of Brazil in Singapore
      • José Costa - Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Portugal in Singapore
  • Panel Discussion 1: Institutionalization of Mediation in Legal and Government Systems
    • Start time: 6:05PM (Singapore Time)
    • Description: This panel will explore the integration of mediation not only within the court systems but also in other government-managed frameworks in Lusophone countries and Singapore. Featuring key judicial and governmental representatives, the session will discuss how mediation is implemented across various legal and administrative systems, highlighting the challenges and successes encountered.
      • Jasmine Chin-Sabado, Director (Policy Advisory), International & Advisory Group Policy Advisory Division, Ministry of Law Singapore
      • Lídia Jacob, Director-General of the Directorate-General for Justice Policy of Portugal - Ministry of Justice
      • District Judge Yarnu Loi, Singapore representative, Family Mediation in Singapore Courts
      • João Rato, Judge Counselor at the Supreme Court
      • Marco Aurélio Buzzi, Justice of the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil
      • Moderator:Cátia Marques Cebola, ICFML President
  • Panel Discussion 2: Legal Frameworks of Mediation in Lusophone Countries and Singapore
    • Start time: 7:15PM (Singapore Time)
    • Description: This panel explores the legal frameworks governing mediation in Portuguese-speaking countries and Singapore. Legal scholars and academics will provide a comprehensive overview of mediation legislation, highlighting the regulatory environments and statutory nuances across Brazil, Portugal, Timor, Macau, Africa, and Singapore. We will explore how domestic legal principles align with the global standards advocated by the Singapore Convention, particularly in facilitating and supporting cross-border mediation practices.
    • Panelists:
      • Dorcas Quek, Professor of Law in the Singapore Management University’s Yong Pung, Singapore
      • Cátia Marques Cebola, Assistant Professor, teaching Alternative Dispute Resolution and Civil Law, at the Polytechnic of Leira, Portugal
      • Humberto Dalla Bernardina de Pinho, Professor of Civil Procedure Law at UERJ and Estácio University, Brazil
      • Nuno Albuquerque, Lawyer and founding partner of "N-ADVOGADOS, Law Firm, África
      • Bruno Nunes, Managing partner of BN Lawyers, Macau
      • Moderator:Nadja Alexander, Director of the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy
  • Panel Discussion 3: Best Practices in Mediation: Insights from the Field – Singapore, Brazil, Portugal
    • Start time: 8:15PM (Singapore Time)
    • Description: This panel is centered on exploring innovative mediation approaches that have been successfully implemented in Singapore, Brazil, and Portugal. It will showcase unique strategies and methodologies that are currently enhancing the mediation landscape in each country. The discussion will underscore the effectiveness of mediation in fostering international cooperation and resolving disputes amicably, aligning with the goals of the Singapore Convention to promote a harmonized approach to mediation worldwide.
    • Panelists:
      • Eunice Chua, Chief Executive Officer FIDREC (Singapore, Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Center)
      • Nicola Espinheira da Costa Khoury, Secretary of External Control for Consensual Solutions and Conflict Prevention - SecexConsenso, Brazil, TCU Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts
      • Daniel Rainey, Alliance of Mediators for Universal Disclosure Protocol for Mediation
      • Joana Jerónimo Soares Correia, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARBITRARE, Arbitration Centre for Industrial Property, Domain Names, Trade Names and Corporate Names, Portugal
      • Filipa Cansado Carvalho, Commercial Arbitration Centre Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry
      • Josephine Hadikusumo, Alliance for Mediation Standards, Asian Mediation Center
      • Moderator:Liana Gorberg Valdetaro, ICFML Vice-President Brazil
  • Closing Remarks:
    • Start time: 9:20PM (Singapore Time)
    • Summary of discussions and key takeaways
      • Mariana Soares David, Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados Portugal
    • Thank you and closing by the event organizer
  •  End of Event


Cátia Marques CEBOLA

Assistant Professor, Polytechnic of Leira, Portugal

Cátia Marques Cebola is an Assistant Professor, teaching Alternative Dispute Resolution and Civil Law, at the Polytechnic of Leira in Portugal. She carried out her doctoral work at the University of Salamanca, Spain, having defended the thesis on Mediation. She has a Graduation and a master’s in civil law by the University of Coimbra, Portugal. In has a certified course in Mediation and attended the Harvard Mediation Program in 2010. She is the author of several studies and articles about mediation and arbitration and she participates in research projects related to the study of mediation. She is International President of ICFML since 2022.


Professor of Law at Singapore Management University and Director of the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy

Nadja Alexander has been engaged in dispute resolution in more than 40 countries as scholar, policy-adviser, trainer and practitioner. An award-winning author and educator, she is consistently recognized as a global thought leader (Who’s Who Legal) and in 2023 won an international award for Outstanding ADR educator.  Nadja is Professor of Law at Singapore Management University and Director of the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy - a platform for dispute resolution thought leadership in ASEAN. She holds honorary appointments in Australia and the US.  Current policy-related appointments include at the United Nations and APEC.  Nadja’s books include EU Mediation Law Handbook, International and Comparative Mediation, and the Singapore Convention on Mediation. 

Liana Gorberg VALDETARO

President, ICFML Brazil

Lawyer and mediator with more than 25 years of practice in dispute resolution involving business matters. Vice-President of ICFML Brazilian Chapter. Vice-President of CBMA - Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration. Specialized in negotiation and mediation from the “Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School”. Certified as advanced mediator and in mediation advocacy by ICFML. Specialized in business mediation from Cândido Mendes University. Member of the Mediation and Arbitration Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro Chapter and of mediator and arbitrator panels of several centers in Brazil.



Ambassador of Brazil in Singapore

Ambassador Barthelmess, a career diplomat in the Brazilian foreign service since 1989, has served as Brazil's Ambassador to Singapore since February 2020.  Previously, she was Director for South America at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2013. Her diplomatic career includes postings in Bolivia, the UK, Ecuador, and missions to the OAS and the European Union. She has received numerous honors, including the Grand Cross of the Brazilian Order of Rio Branco and orders of merit of the Brazilian Army and Navy.  Born in 1959, Ambassador Barthelmess holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in literature. She and her husband have a daughter.


Ana Maria Maia GONÇALVES

Founder, ICFML

Ana Maria Maia Gonçalves, a certified mediator by IMI, ADRg, and ICFML, has over 30 years of international experience. She's the founder of ICFML, a mediator, pedagogical coordinator at the Catholic University of Portugal, a UN Global Mediation Panel member, Fellow of NCTDR, and co-founder of the Alliance of Mediators for Universal Disclosure. Ana is passionate about innovative integration and development of human potential in organizations through executive coaching, mediating effective and satisfying team working methods, and developing practices that enhance productivity, engagement, well-being, inclusivity, and respect for human diversity in organizational conflict resolution systems.

Mariana Soares DAVID

Managing Associate at Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados, Portugal

Mariana Soares David is a partner at the Portuguese law firm Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados. She is a dispute resolution lawyer and a certified mediator (both by IMI and by ICFML) and mediation advocate (by ICFML). She is part of the Mediation Committee of the Arbitration Centre of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, of the ICC’s ADR and Arbitration Task Force and she is a frequent writer, lecturer and trainer on the topic.


Director, Ministry of Law, Singapore

Mrs Jasmine Chin-Sabado is a Director at the Ministry of Law. She helms the Policy Advisory Division (PAD), which provides legal expertise and advice to shape policy, drive law reform and execute policy initiatives in the Ministry. The legislation that PAD developed include the Singapore Convention on Mediation Act 2020, to advance Singapore’s legal framework.

Jasmine was actively involved in the legislative amendments to the International Arbitration Act in 2020 and led the team that introduced conditional fee agreements in Singapore. She has been in charge of the UNCITRAL Academy capacity-building workshops for industry representatives, and has spoken at various conferences on mediation and litigation funding. Jasmine oversees, inter alia, the litigation funding and dispute resolution portfolios.


Director-general of the Directorate-General for Justice Policy of Portugal, DGPJ

Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Lídia Jacob holds a Specialization Diploma in Information Society and Innovation in Public Administration and has completed various professional training courses in Law, Quality, Public Administration, Management, Leadership, Digital Transformation, and Innovation. She has served as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Institute for Quality, as Legal Advisor in the Office of the Secretary of State for Industry, and as Director of Legal and Litigation Services at the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy. She has also held other positions in the governmental offices of the Ministry of Culture.

District Judge Yarni LOI

Family Justice Courts

District Judge Yarni Loi earned her LLB (Hons) from the London School of Economics and Political Science and Postgraduate Diploma in Singapore Law from the National University of Singapore. After being called to the Singapore Bar, she spent the bulk of her career in private practice as a corporate litigation lawyer in a top tier law firm in Singapore where she was Director. She was appointed District Judge in the Family Justice Division of the State Courts, now Family Justice Courts. She is currently Principal Director of the Therapeutic Justice Transformation Office, Family Justice Courts.


Judge Counselor,  Supreme Court

Justice of the Supreme Court, João Fernandes Rato joined the Public Prosecutor's Office in 1983. He served as Deputy Inspector General of the Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity. He was member of the Superior Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office and served as an International Prosecutor in East Timor. He participated in international missions focused on the training and evaluation of magistrates in Europe and portuguese-speaking African countries. He was the director and coordinator of the legal journals "Maia Jurídica" and "Prontuário de Direito do Trabalho," and currently serves on the board of the journal "Questões Laborais.

Dorcas QUEK

Associate Professor of Law, School of Law, Singapore Management University

Dorcas Quek is an Associate Professor of Law in the Singapore Management University’s Yong Pung How School of Law. As a practising mediator and a former District Judge in the State Courts, Dorcas' research explores the interaction between dispute resolution developments and access to justice. Her research has been published in international journals including the Civil Justice Quarterly and the Harvard Negotiation Law Review. Dorcas is a mediator with Singapore International Mediation Centre. Singapore Mediation Centre, Asian Development Bank and the UN Office of the Ombudsman. She is also a Fellow of the National Center for Dispute Resolution and Technology.

Humberto Dalla Bernardina DE PINHO

Professor of Civil Procedure Law, UERJ and Estácio University, Brazil

Humberto Dalla Bernardina de Pinho is a Full Professor of Civil Procedure Law at UERJ and Estácio University. He has served as Prosecutor in Rio de Janeiro and is currently a Judge at the Court of Justice in the State of Rio de Janeiro. He is the Editor of the Electronic Journal of Procedural Law (REDP) and Coordinator of the Research Group Observatory of Mediation and Arbitration (CNPQ). He is a member of the International University Conference for the Study of Mediation and Conflict (CUEMYC), and an observer member of the European Group of Magistrates for Mediation (GEMME).


Lawyer and Founding Partner of "N-ADVOGADOS, Law Firm, RL", Africa

Law Degree in the Faculty of Law of Coimbra University (1988) and MCIArb - Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Postgraduate in Maritime and port law by Faculty of Law of Universidade do Porto.

Registered in Portugal’s Bar Association since 1990, Angola’s Bar Association, since 2008 and Paris’s Bar Association, since 2014. Arbitrator of the “Portuguese Court of Arbitration for Sport”, “CBMA -Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration”, the “Committee of Experts on the Sports and Entertainment Industry of the European Arbitration Association”, Member of the “Sport Resolutions Panel” - appointed for 2024-2027. Member of the Advisory Committee “Business Mediation” of the “CMEM - Madrid Business Mediation Center”, Spain.


Managing Partner, BN Lawyers, Macau

Bruno Nunes, managing partner of BN Lawyers, specializes in Intellectual Property (IP) with licenses in Macau, Portugal, and Guangdong Province, China. Bruno has been a member to several INTA Committees and the recipient to several awards in the IP field.

Eunice CHUA

Chief Executive Officer, FIDREC (Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Center), Singapore

As FIDReC CEO, Eunice Chua oversees mediation and adjudication of consumer financial disputes in Singapore. Before that, Eunice was Assistant Professor at the Singapore Management University, specializing in alternative dispute resolution, evidence, and procedure. She remains a Research Fellow of the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy. Eunice was formerly a Justices’ Law Clerk and Assistant Registrar in the Singapore Supreme Court, where she concurrently held appointments as Magistrate of the State Courts and Assistant Director of the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC). She was also the founding Deputy CEO of the Singapore International Mediation Centre.

Nicola Espinheira DA COSTA KHOURY

Secretary of External Control for Consensual Solutions and Conflict Prevention – SecexConsenso, Brazil, TCU Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts

Civil Engineer Specialist in Road Pavement from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and Lawyer with a Master's Degree in Law from UniCEUB, Federal Auditor of External Control at Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts since 2009, has held positions as Advisor, Director, Secretary, Minister's Advisor, General Coordinator of External Control of Infrastructure, and Deputy General Secretary of External Control. Currently, he is the Secretary of External Control for Consensual Solution and Conflict Prevention, a unit responsible for the technical mediation of disputes over R$ 200 billion in the infrastructure sector. Guest Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Governance and Risk Management in the Infrastructure area at Presbyterian Mackenzie University and speaker at various events related to public administration.



Alliance of Mediators for Universal Disclosure Protocol for Mediation, USA

Daniel Rainey is a principal in Holistic Solutions, Inc., and an adjunct faculty member in graduate dispute resolution programs and law schools in the United States and Europe. He is currently a Fellow of the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, member of the Board of Directors for the InternetBar.Org, and a founding member and founding Board Member, Vice President, and Chair of the Governance Committee of the International Council for Online Dispute Resolution. He is one of the Editors-in-Chief of the International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution. He received the Mary Parker Follett Award for innovation in dispute resolution.


Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARBITRARE, Arbitration Centre for Industrial Property, Domain Names, Trade Names and Corporate Names, Portugal

Joana Jerónimo Soares Correia graduated in Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon in 1998. After completing the internship with the Portuguese Bar Association (1998-2000), she held various positions in the area of Sports Law. In March 2009, she was invited to be a Member of the Board of Directors of ARBITRARE, responsible for the Legal Department. In July 2012, she was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARBITRARE, her current position.

Filipa Cansado CARVALHO

Commercial Arbitration Centre Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Portugal


Filipa Cansado Carvalho is an independent practitioner based in Lisbon, with 25 years of experience in international dispute prevention and resolution. In 2020, Filipa left a leading Portuguese firm to focus on her practice as arbitrator and mediator. Filipa is president of the Mediation Commission of the Arbitration Centre of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, member of the board of the Portuguese Arbitration Association and a member of the ICC Commission of Arbitration and ADR. Filipa is also a CEDR-accredited mediator. Filipa has been consistently recognized by major legal directories including as a Who’s Who Legal Thought Leader.


Managing Partner at CJ Liew & Co and Director of the Asia Mediation Centre

Josephine is Managing Partner in CJ Liew & Co, a law firm specializing in matters related to commercial and cross-border transactions, corporate compliance, conciliation and technology law. A current Board Director of the Singapore International Mediation Institute from 2014-Present, Josephine qualified as an Advocate and Solicitor in the High Court of Malaya, the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak, and the Supreme Court of New South Wales (Australia) from 2000-2002 and is a Fellow of the Academy at the Centre of American and International Law in Texas. She graduated from Melbourne University with her law degree and has a master’s in law from Bond University Australia. She is a Senior International Mediation Expert on the International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute in the People’s Republic of China, a certified mediator in the International Mediation Institute and the Singapore International Mediation Institute.